How to Train Your Cat to Walk on a Leash Safely and Successfully

How to Train Your Cat to Walk on a Leash Safely and Successfully  


Contrary to popular belief, cats can be trained to do things commonly associated with dogs, such as walking on a leash. In fact, some cats even enjoy it! However, like puppies unfamiliar with leashes, cats need proper training before they can confidently walk on a leash. Choosing the right equipment is essential for a successful training experience. In this guide, you will learn how to select the appropriate harness and leash for your cat, the step-by-step process of leash training, and crucial safety measures to ensure your feline friend has a positive and enjoyable walking experience outdoors.

train you cat to walk

  What You Will Learn:  

In this article, you will learn how to train your cat to walk on a leash, including:

1. Choosing the right harness for your cat's safety and comfort.

2. Selecting the ideal leash length and weight for your feline friend.

3. Gradually introduce the harness and leash to your cat for a smooth adjustment.

4. Step-by-step leash training process to encourage your cat to walk confidently.

5. Ensuring your cat's safety and protection while enjoying outdoor walks.


  1. Selecting the Right Harness for Your Cat  

When training your cat to walk on a leash, a harness is a safer and more suitable option compared to a collar. Choose a harness specifically designed for cats, as it allows them to move naturally and comfortably. Ensure the harness fits well but not too tight. You can test this by sliding two fingers under the harness. If they fit snugly, it's the right fit. Opt for harnesses made of soft, lightweight materials that won't cause discomfort to your furry companion. Look for a D-ring securely attached to the back, as this is where you will connect the leash.

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  2. Choosing the Appropriate Leash  

For initial training, lightweight leashes that are 4 to 6 feet long are ideal for cats of all sizes. Longer or retractable leashes can be used once your cat is leash-trained, but in the beginning, a manageable leash length and weight are crucial for control and ease of handling.

  3. Introducing the Harness to Your Cat  

Once you have the right size harness, allow your cat to get used to it. Let them sniff and explore the harness while offering treats and praise. The time it takes for your cat to adjust to wearing a harness can vary, so be patient. If your cat appears frightened, keep the harness on for only a few minutes initially and gradually increase the time they wear it.

  4. Familiarizing Your Cat with the Leash  

After your cat is comfortable with the harness, attach the leash to the D-ring and allow them to drag it in a safe indoor environment. For easily startled cats, you can hold the leash while letting them roam freely. This step helps them get used to the leash without developing fear or anxiety.

  5. The Leash Training Process  

When your cat is ready for outdoor walks, hold the leash gently and let them explore at their pace. Use treats and toys to encourage them to follow your lead without pulling on the leash. Praise and reward your cat whenever they walk in the desired direction. Gradually, they will become accustomed to the outdoor environment and feel secure in the harness and leash.

train to walk your cat

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  6. Ensuring Your Cat's Safety  

While leash training can be a rewarding experience, it's crucial to prioritize your cat's safety. Preventative measures against fleas, ticks, heartworms, and other parasites are essential if your cat spends a lot of time outside. Consult your veterinarian for the best protection options. Additionally, avoid busy roads and areas with barking dogs that could startle your cat, even if they are leash-trained. Stay attuned to your cat's comfort and be mindful of potential triggers that might cause fear during walks.


Training your cat to walk on a leash can be an enriching and enjoyable experience for both you and your feline companion. By selecting the right harness and leash, gradually introducing them to the equipment, and patiently guiding them through the training process, your cat can confidently explore the outdoors in a safe and controlled manner. Always prioritize your cat's comfort, safety, and well-being during walks, and you'll soon discover the joy of strolling together with your feline friend.

You can watch these videos to check this process practically

( Note: i am not owner of this video .credit goes to respected owner )

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  • How old should a cat be before I start leash training them?

The best age to start leash training a cat is around 6 months old. However, some cats may be ready to start training earlier or later. If you are not sure, it is best to consult with your veterinarian.

  • What are some signs that my cat is not enjoying walking on a leash?

Pulling on the leash excessively, trying to scratch or bite the leash, hiding or trying to escape, acting fearful or anxious.

  • What are some things I can do to make walking my cat more enjoyable?

Start in a quiet and safe environment, use treats and toys to encourage your cat to walk, be patient and don't force your cat to walk if they are not comfortable, take breaks often and let your cat explore their surroundings, make walking a fun and positive experience for your cat.

  • What are some things I should avoid when walking my cat?

Pulling on the leash, taking your cat to busy or loud areas, walking your cat in hot or cold weather, letting your cat off the leash in an unsecured area.


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